Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Mohammad Waleed
2 min readAug 21, 2020
Pomodoro gadget

In the second quadrant of the Eisenhower matrix that comprises of not urgent and important tasks. the finishing line/deadline for these types of tasks is hypothetically limitless i.e too far. To create a sense of “deadline is approaching”, the Pomodoro technique is developed. You have to work for 25 mins and then take 2–3 minutes for rest repeating the cycle again and again.

While I tried this technique for the first time, to be very honest I aligned this technique with my routine but modified it by working for 1 hour and then taking 15–20 mins break. At first, it was very difficult for me but I however realized the importance and worth of this technique. Though it is very effective in general, it is far more effective when you are not feeling to work, getting bored, etc.

To strengthen any habit, it takes time and a lot of persistence. Similar is the case for this habit, you must practice a lot, this technique. For extreme level procastinators, this technique should be adopted as soon as possible.


